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25 Mei 2011

Artist: Guttural Secrete
Album: Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment 
Genre: Slamming/Brutal Death Metal 

1. Razorized Ball Gag
2. Larva Mastubration
3. Coprophilic Asphyxia
4. Gluttonous Portions Of Intestinal Seepage
5. Torturous Impregnation By Fecalized Insemination
6. Fecal Stuffed Fuck Stumps
7. Reek Of Pubescent Despoilment
8. Gurgling My Seminal Filth 
9. Feminine Skin Suit
10. Adultration (Instrumental)
11. Sculpting Fragments Of Mangled Cunt 

Artist: Guttural Secrete
Album:  Artistic Creation With Cranial Stumps [EP]
Genre: Slamming/Brutal Death Metal
1. Slit Into Succulence  
2. Ejaculating Obesity
3. Incestuous Refiguration  
4. Visected In Vaginal Bile

Artist: Putridity
Album:  Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria
Genre: Brutal Death Metal 

1. Cannibalistic Postclimax Flesh Consumption
2. Sodomize Epileptic Chunks
3. Masturbating The Infibulated
4. Syphilic Menstrual Rejection
5. Wallowing In Aftermaths
6. Euphoric State Of Dementia
7. Innate Butchery Aptitude
8. Draining Necro Anal Disgorgement 
9. Living Decomposition 

Artist: Forgotten 
Album: Tiga Angka Enam 
Genre: Brutal Death Metal  

1. Tiga Angka Enam
2. Aku Jatuh Cinta
3. Future Syndrome
4. Hidup Adalah Kutukan
5. Kegelapan Itu Bernyawa
6. Perang Demi Setan  

Artist: Extreme Decay
Album:  Holocaust Resistance
Genre: Grindcore
1. Overture-Violence
2. Duka
3. Damai Kehancuran
4. Rotasi Dendam
5. Prahara
6. Your Great Soil
7. Welcome To The Bleachness
8. Introduction-Re-Green Me
9. Gali Saja Kuburmu Sendiri (Edisi Terakhir)
10. Mengetahui Adalah Menderita
11. Media Infeksi
12. Inhale-Exhale
13. Preface-For War-Symphonies Of Madness


Artist: Element
Album:  Aeons Past
Genre:  Technical/Brutal Death Metal
1. Cursed Through Time
2. Kronor VII
3. Sentiment Dissolve
4. Destiny Of Illusion
5. Ethnologic Cybernetics
6. Inception Of The Flagitious
7. Dying Suns Descend 
8. Aeons Past
9. Within Singularity

20 Mei 2011

INDEPENDENT METAL YOGYAKARTA (Division of Jogjakarta Corpse Grinder)



with launching album METALLIC ASS "THRASH METAL 1983"

Vomiting :
- OUTLANDER (Pontianak)
- KILLER OF GOD (Semarang)

Sabtu 21 Mei 2011, 15.00-22.00 WIB 
Cafe Laras Jl.Kaliurang km. 11 Yogyakarta

Pre Sale Ticket IDR 10.000 (9 s/d 19 Mei) 
On The Spot Ticket IDR 15.000

Ticket Available at :

more info:
(087738393849) popo
(087838856852) windu
(083867321556) goldy

Artist: As Blood Runs Black
Album:  Instinct
Genre: Deathcore/Metalcore
1. Triumph
2. Legacy
3. Resist
4. Angel City Gamble
5. Reborn
6. Tribulations
7. Divided
8. King of Thieves
9. In Honor
10. Echoes Of An Era
11. Instinct


Artist: Disinfected
Album:  Aku Akan Bunuh Kamu [EP]
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
1. Baptis Aku Dengan Darah
2. Mesin Perang
3. Aku Akan Bunuh Kamu
4. Kuburan Massal
5. Dendam Terasah


Artist: At The Gates
Album: Slaughter Of The Soul
Genre: Melodic Death Metal
1. Blinded by Fear
2. Slaughter of the Soul
3. Cold
4. Under a Serpent Sun
5. Into the Dead Sky
6. Suicide Nation
7. World of Lies
8. Unto Others
9. Nausea
10. Need
11. The Flames of the End

12. Legion (Slaughter Lord Cover)
13. The Dying (Unreleased Track)
14. Captor of Sin (Slayer Cover)
15. Unto Others (Demo '95)
16. Suicide Nation (Demo '95)
17. Bister Verklighet (No Security Cover)


Artist: Nile
Album:  Those Whom The Gods Detest
Genre: Technical Death Metal

1. Kafir!
2. Hittite Dung Incantation
3. Utterances of the Crawling Dead
4. Those Whom The Gods Detest
5. 4th Arra of Dagon
6. Permitting the Noble Dead to Descend to the Underworld
7. Yezd Desert Ghul Ritual in the Abandoned Towers of Silence
8. Kem Khefa Kheshef 
9. The Eye of Ra
10. Iskander D'hul Karnon

Artist: Nile
Album:  Annihilation Of The Wicked
Genre: Technical Death Metal
1. Dusk Falls Upon The Temple Of The Serpent On The Mount Of Sunrise
2. Cast Down The Heretic
3. Sacrifice Unto Sebek
4. User-Maat-Re
5. The Burning Pits Of The Duat
6. Chapter Of Obeisance Before Giving Breath To The Inert One In The Presence Of The Cresent Shaped Horns
7. Lashed To The Slave Stick
8. Spawn Of Uamenti
9. Annihilation Of The Wicked
10. Von Unaussprechlichen Kulten


Artist: Nile
Album:  In Their Darked Shrines
Genre: Technical Death Metal
1. The Blessed Dead
2. Execration Text
3. Sarcophagus
4. Kheftiu Asar Butchiu
5. Unas Slayer Of The Gods
6. Churning The Maelstrom
7. I Whisper In The Ear Of The Dead
8. Wind Of Horus
9. In Their Darkened Shrines : I. Hall Of Saurian Entombment
10. In Their Darkened Shrines : II. Invocation To Seditious Heresy
11. In Their Darkened Shrines : III. Destruction Of The Temple Of The Enemies Of Ra
12. In Their Darkened Shrines : IV. Ruins


Artist: Nile
Album:  Black Seeds Of Vengeance
Genre: Technical Death Metal
1. Invocation Of The Gate Of Aat-Ankh-Es-En-Amenti
2. Black Seeds Of Vengeance
3. Defiling The Gates Of Ishtar
4. The Black Flame
5. Libation Unto The Shades Who Lurk In The Shadows Of The Temple Of Anhur
6. Masturbating The War God
7. Multitude Of Foes
8. Chapter For Transforming Into A Snake
9. Nas Akhu Khan She En Asbiu
10. To Dream Of Ur
11. The Nameless City Of The Accursed
12. Khetti Satha Shemsu


Artist: Origin
Album:  Expulsion Of Fury
Genre: Technical/Brutal Death Metal

1. Expulsion Of Fury

Artist: Parau
Album:  Surga Bencana
Genre: Metalcore
1. Rapuh
2. Surga Bencana
3. Satu Luka Seribu Dendam
4. Hidup Membusuk
5. Racun Penyesalan
6. Distorted Truth And Lies


Artist: Deicide
Album:  The Stench Of Redemption
Genre: Death Metal
1. The Stench of Redemption
2. Death to Jesus
3. Desecration
4. Crucified for the Innocence
5. Walk with the Devil in Dreams You Behold
6. Homage for Satan
7. Not of This Earth
8. Never to Be Seen Again
9. The Lord's Sedition


Artist: Jasad
Album:  Promo
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
1. Precious Moment To Die
2. Rebirth Ov Jatisunda


Artist: Jasad
Album:  Annihilate The Enemy
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
1. Raking The Weak
2. Dismember Pleasing
3. Binasakan Benih Bidadari
4. Getih Jang Getih
5. Annihilate the Enemy
6. FFF
7. Jemput Ajal, Cari Mati
8. Pathetic Unidentified Obsession
9. Rotten Body Fluids (Embalmer cover)
10. Bless My Wrath


Artist: Burgerkill
Album:  Venomous
Genre: Metalcore 

1. Under The Scars
2. House Of Greed
3. Only The Strong


18 Mei 2011

Artist: Revenge
Album:  Prelude To Omega
Genre: Technical/Brutal Death Metal
1. Angelos: Elucidate Destruction of Existence
2. Xenophobic
3. Servants of the Myth
4. The Antipope
5. Procreation the Illumination of Deviance
6. Heaven's On Fire
7. Massacred in the Name of God


Artist: Saosin
Album:  Saosin
Genre: Post-Hardcore/Rock/Screamo
1. It’s Far Better To Learn
2. Sleepers
3. It’s So Simple
4. Voices
5. Finding Home
6. Follow And Feel
7. Come Close
8. I Never Wanted To
9. Collapse
10. You’re Not Alone
11. Bury Your Head
12. Some Sense Of Security